You run the production of a factory, you work in transport or for the environment? But with the current crisis you have doubts about the value of digitizing your business? In this article, we propose to discover what are the interests to digitize your company and what aid the state is putting in place to accompany you in your transition to the era of 4.0. Finally, we will offer you adapted tools to start your digitalization tomorrow and join the ranks of the factories of the future.
Industry Interest 4.0:
If making changes during this health crisis may seem risky, in reality it will be necessary. In every crisis there are threats and opportunities. You have to choose your side. But being opportunistic means taking your business out of your comfort zone, starting transformations that will at least limit the damage. These changes can also be fertile ground for solid and sustainable growth.
Start your transition by adopting predictive (or forecast) maintenance:
Using equipment in any business usually involves some maintenance. Prepared male maintenance can result in great losses. A machine that breaks down for several days, for example, can cause a production line to slow down or even shut down. Finally, a prepared male maintenance can cause a company to lose a lot of revenue.
But what about now if we take into account the warning signs?
Imagine a car driving on the highway. The left front tire is badly damaged and it is about to explode. Human beings are endowed with many meanings. The driver of this car can feel if the car in question is pulling to the left, if there is an unusual noise or if the tire appears to be deflated. He will realize that something is wrong and be able to go to a garage or equip the car with a spare wheel with the tire bursting. This will prevent the motorist from having an accident if he had waited for the breakdown and thus saved a lot of expenses. In that case it may have saved him something serious.
The principle is the same in a company. Taking this information into account and processing it upstream allows you to maintain it at the right time and save time and money.
Find out here our solution to implement predictive maintenance in your company.
State aid:
Advice assistance: 10,000 supports to the industry of the future

For more information, please see this document.
Support for future industry investment:

For more information, please see this document.
The solution that Unicorn Dataset offers:
It is not always easy to equip yourself with sensors and perform predictive maintenance yourself. Generally, starting your digital transition means processing a large amount of data. If the data is not processed on time, it will be useless, other than filling servers or hard drives. With UDS Atom, we offer you the implementation of a fast service that adapts to the vast majority of industrial equipment. Click here for more information.