We told you about it during the video on the Xunxi factory, Alibaba becomes an Asian company pioneer in the development of Factory 4.0.

Thanks to a massive investment in the spring of 2020 of $28.3 billion, the Chinese company is back in the cloud race (online data storage). It can now boast of competing with its U.S. cloud competitors IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) by posting the 4th best turnover for 2020.

With a 50% increase in profitability, Alibaba's cloud accounts for 7% of its revenue, or a considerable sum of $2.194 billion.

Alibaba is catching up with heavyweight Amazon Web Service with $11.6 billion in revenue and Microsoft Azure with $5.9 billion in revenue. The Asian multinational now rivals Google Cloud and its $2.9 billion in revenue.

According to Daniel Zhang, CEO of Alibaba Group, this sustained growth is mainly driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the face of the crisis, many Chinese companies are adopting a digital transformation strategy and this phenomenon benefits the group.

Bastien L. LE BIG DATA

It is through their digital transition that companies like Alibaba are able to remain competitive in a toughly competitive sector like e-commerce and the cloud.

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